- The biogenesis and pathophysiological function of Cathepsin D;
- The regulation of the autophagy-lysosomal pathway in cancer and in neurodegeneration;
- The nanobioimaging of vesicular traffic defects.
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Welcome message of Prof. Ciro Isidoro
Aphorisms of your Prof.
In Italia tutto ti è perdonato, fuorché il successo.
cit.- Enzo Ferrari
In Italy everything is forgiven, except for success.
cit.- Enzo Ferrari
Tutti sono necessari e ciascuno è indispensabile.
cit.- Ciro Isidoro
Anela all’ammirazione dei Giusti, ignora l’invidia dei perdenti, rifuggi dalla compassione degli amici.
cit.- Ciro Isidoro
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From our Laboratory
Preclinical evidence for preventive and curative effects of resveratrol on xenograft cholangiocarcinogenesis
Suyanee Thongchot 1 , Alessandra Ferraresi 2 , Chiara Vidoni 2 , Amreen Salwa 2 , Letizia Vallino 2…
Systems Biology in Cancer Diagnosis Integrating Omics Technologies and Artificial Intelligence to Support Physician Decision Making
by Alaa Fawaz, Alessandra Ferraresi, and Ciro Isidoro Laboratory of Molecular Pathology, Department of Health…
Resveratrol Contrasts IL-6 Pro-Growth Effects and Promotes Autophagy-Mediated Cancer Cell Dormancy in 3D Ovarian Cancer: Role of miR-1305 and of Its Target ARH-I
Andrea Esposito 1, Alessandra Ferraresi 1, Amreen Salwa 1, Chiara Vidoni 1, Danny N Dhanasekaran 2, Ciro Isidoro 1Affiliations 1Laboratory of Molecular Pathology, Department of Health…
GNAi2/gip2-Regulated Transcriptome and Its Therapeutic Significance in Ovarian Cancer
Ji Hee Ha 1 2 , Muralidharan Jayaraman 1 2 , Mingda Yan 1 , Padmaja…

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Università del Piemonte Orientale Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute (Novara, Italy)
Via Paolo Solaroli, 17,
28100 Novara (NO), Italy
Tel. Office: +39 0321 660507
Tel Lab: +39 0321 660641
Fax: +39 0321 620421
Email: ciro.isidoro@med.uniupo.it