DEADLINE for submission June 30th, 2019
International Workshop NO-CANCER 2018 : Understanding cancer cell biology to improve Diagnosis and therapy
The international workshop NO-Cancer 2018 going to be held in Novara (Italy) during October 28-30, 2018 is organized under the auspices of the Università del Piemonte Orientale, the University-Hospital of Novara, the City Council of Novara and other Academic Institutions. This Conference ideally follows the two previous ones “Basic to Translational Medicine 2016: focus on Cancer” and NO-Cancer 2017 “From Cancerogenesis to Therapy: new paradigms, new opportunities”, held in Novara ( The focus of this meeting is understanding how cancer develops and progresses having in mind the final aims of designing more effective strategies to prevent cancer, more precise and non-invasive diagnostic methods and more efficacious therapy.
Emphasis will be on cancer cell biology (including cell metabolism, genetics and epigenetics mechanisms, interaction between cancer cells and stromal cells) and on the role and impact of microbiota and nutritional interventions to prevent and cure cancer. Twelve internationally renowned speakers coming from Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal and United States will present their recent research in a two-days scientific marathon. To stimulate the active participation of Delegates and Young researches, eight short communications and thirteen flash communications will be selected from the submitted abstracts.
The following major topics will be addressed:
- Oncogenes, oncosuppressors and Non Coding RNAs in Cancer development.
- Cancer Cell metabolism and Metabolic cross-talk between cancer cells and stromal cells
- Role of diet and of microbiota in cancer progression and response to therapy
- Novel strategies to early non-invasive detection of cancer
- Clinical trials
The conference represents a unique opportunity for the students and the scientists working in the Universities, Hospitals and Research centers to learn from renown experts the most updated knowledge in the cancer field. We encourage you to join us to benefit from the Scientific lecturing while enjoying the friendly atmosphere.
Ciro Isidoro (Chair of the Scientific Organizing Committee)
DEADLINES (registration closed on October 19th because of overbooking). Up to 120 attendees will be accepted
Conference Abstract will be published in Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment (JCMT).
CONFERENCE VENUE: Aula Magna, University-Hospital (Maggiore della Carità)- Novara
ABSTRACT BOOK: Abstract book – No-Cancer 2018
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM: Scientific Program-FLYER No-Cancer 2018-final
SOCIAL PROGRAM (for invited guests): Social Program-FLYER No-Cancer2018
POSTER (announcement): NO-Cancer 2018-Miniposter
TIPS AND NOTES: TIPS AND NOTES for all participants NO-CANCER 2018
TRAVELLING-ACCOMMODATION- VENUE: Travelling-accommodation-conference venue- information
Gallery "NO-CANCER 2018"

About us:

«L’Amministrazione – hanno commentato il sindaco Alessandro Canelli e l’assessore alla Cultura Emilio Iodice – è orgogliosa del fatto che Novara ospiti anche quest’anno il workshop internazionale “No-Cancer”. E mai come nel caso del titolo dell’edizione 2018 emerge quello che, rispetto a questa malattia, è l’atteggiamento della Medicina a livello mondiale: terapie, certo, ma anche e soprattutto la necessità di individuare nuove strade e opportunità nel contrasto della patologia. Il ringraziamento va pertanto ai professori della Scuola di Medicina dell’UPO Ciro Isidoro e Gianluca Gaidano che, oltre a rappresentare con il loro quotidiano lavoro un’eccellenza all’interno della nostra Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria “Maggiore della Carità”, hanno il grande merito di aver organizzato il workshop rendendo appetibile una proposta scientifico-culturale e facendo afferire nella nostra città, ancora una volta, un parterre di esperti che, sicuramente, lasceranno un importante segno nel percorso nel quale si sta muovendo la ricerca a tutto campo contro il cancro.
Alessandro Canelli
Sindaco di Novara